Business TradeUp is an leading lead generation platform. It works as big level of group of people from different category where they list their business product and service. And along with that put the business current requirement and current supply of stock or services in open supply and open demand separately. In Business TradeUp there is no limit of people to join, so you can explore the big area to generate the leads.
The name open supply and demand itself explain the business flow. this functionality is work as like you use any message chat application and put details about your stock in group. In the open supply you can post about your available stock, services which you can ready to give.
In open demand you can put your business requirement which you looking from others. So people from your category will check your business frequently and get to know about your requirements and connect with you.
The main advantage of the using Business Tradeup is your open supply and open demand will be there in profile until you will not update or delete it. You can update anytime by your login credentials.
You no need to inform your existing customers and vendors all the time about your availability and demand. With open supply and demand, your customers and vendors will check your profile time by time and they will contact you for the same. Even other new customers and vendors will also check your profile frequently so you will get new customers all the time.
First login by your details in Business Tradeup, click on right up side corner on your profile Go to Dashboard > Listing. Click on your added listing. Go to open supply or demand, click on any supply and demand then you will see the notified to other option. Click on that you will see the list of categories, which category business you want to inform about your open supply and demand. Click send. Remember every single notification you send it will use your credit point, you will need to buy credit point separately. Email on for buying credit point.
You can buy credit point by pay via bank transfer, and currently 10 credit point used on each single notification send. If you do not see available credit option in your dashboard then click on your business listing > go to open supply or demand > click on send notification option > you will be redirected to payment page. Pay via bank transfer and send payment successful screenshot or transaction id on with your business name and address.
In your business profile, click on right up side profile icon, click on dashboard or my profile, you will see available credit points if you have bought.
1 credit point = 1 INR. Transfer payment via bank transfer and email on whatever amount of credit point you want to buy.
Go to your profile dashboard > ad campaign > choose listed business > write the no of days you want to run ads > choose placement from 3 option with different pricing par day (Home page, Category page, business profile page same category). For more details how, it works email on
Go to your profile dashboard, you will see notification if any business sends. Each notification will expire after 2 days of send.
Go to your profile dashboard, click on reviews and you will see reviews received, and submitted you have given to others. Received reviews will not removed but you can respond to create good image of business.
You can add unlimited of business in one profile, but remember we suggest to add only one because the email address you use to create the main profile, on that email you will receive the all inquiry and leads generated from all listed business in one account.
Once you click on add listing > you will be redirected to listing plan, choose any plan you want to go with, and add the details of business, click save and preview. Go to your profile right up side logo, click on that and click dashboard or profile, go to listing section and you will see the pay option in the raw of your listing. Click on pay and you will see bank transfer option. Once you make the payment in bank transfer, send payment successful screenshot or transaction id on with your business name and address to verify. And it will publish within 24 hours and you will be notified by email.
On your business profile dashboard, you will see the how many people viewed your profile and ads running in different places.
You can contact on or call on +91 7383 66 9043
Yes, we give amount to people who wish to work with Business TradeUp to increase the listing and advertising. Please contact on .
You can ask to your customer to create the login in Business TradeUp and then they can give rating and reviews to your business. Once customer give reviews you cannot delete, only review giver can delete it or send email on Business owner can give respond to reviews from profile dashboard under reviews section.
Unlimited but inquiry receive on same email id. Business owner can add number of listing in one account and need to pay individually for each business to publish it. you will receive leads on the email id by which you have created account, no separate email you can use for each separate listing in one account. Business TradeUp suggest you to add one business to one account if receive leads on separate email. If you running more than one business firm and want to receive leads on same email id then you should add all business under one account.